The autumnal equinox—also called the September equinox or fall equinox—arrives on Thursday, September 22. This date marks the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, when the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are nearly equal in length.
We start seeing the signs of fall as the leaves begin to change and the cool day and nights set in. The fall season is filled with abundance as the last harvest before winter comes. The energy is shifting and we can feel new rhythm sets in.
An ancient Pagan ritual where the community celebrates the autumn equinox with a festival, called Mabon, to honor the changing seasons. Mabon rituals focus on the balance of light and dark , their inextricable link, and the coming darkness of winter. Fire is a key element for Mabon ceremonies as it represents the transition from autumn, with flame-colored foliage, to the dark nights that grow longer each day until the winter solstice.
Join our Fire Circle !
As we participate in a group guided meditation. Also create a gratitude circle around the campfire where we share what gift of the fall season we are most grateful for and what has helped find your own personal balance as we welcome the new season.
Date: Thursday Sept 22nd
Time: 7:30 to 9pm
Cost: Donation (minimum $18.00)
Location: North York ( in person)
snacks and beverages provided
Limited spots available please email to save your spot
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