As we begin a new year I always reflect on, "how can I live my BEST LIFE ?"
The one tool that I adopted is creating a "Dream Board" or "Inspirational Board" it has become an instrumental exercise for me every year.
New beginnings we can ride on this bright and incredible light of new energy.
I love the feeling of a clean slate and time for a do over.
Creating new intentions and new mindset of how can we raise the bar this year?
What will unfold?
I was asked recently "why should I do another board this year my goals are the same?"
My question; " Do you perceive yourself the same as you were in January 2021?"
Are you wiser? More aware? Have you outgrown the diet that you tried last year?
That winter hat you have worn for years is it still just doing it for you? Is it keeping you warm? Or have you made do with it all these years?
We are intuitive organic beings who are forever changing constantly.
Our consiousness is evolving rapidly eight fold before our eyes.
New Year new energy .
We are all works in progress and it's ok to have doubts and wondering what if. There are no rules and no judgement here!
We need to meet that energy and that frequency coming up for 2022 otherwise you will remain stuck in that loop wearing the old you!
Letting go of the old and creating new! Even if the world is in Chaos.
You are stronger, wiser and glorious being and we need to achnowledge that.
Did you know that 2022 is an angel number? It's significance if you haven’t looked it up yet is "Abundance its about making your dreams a reality , one dream at a time with some divine guidance ".
The Universe is waiting for you!!! What is your mission?
Take the time to reflect right now and consider the overall theme for 2022 by doing some inner work and allowing spritiual growth.
Revisiting commitments that you have made reviewing them and asking yourself "are they aligned as you move forward"? What are the promises you made to yourself and others around you? Allow the shift to happen !
Making sure we are walking the talk.
This new year the "Earth Energy" is asking us to take action , creating something tangible something we can hold and what are we putting out to the world.
What is guiding you? Finding your sparkle!
Dream big ! Your future deserves some attention.
How about creating your own "Vision Board"?
Paying attention to the emotion and intention of purpose will guide you.
Tapping into a visualization and making it an actualization.
Nourishing your soul creating more room for your best self
What do you want to become in 2022
Making deals with yourself or God dosen’t work.
What we can do is meet what is … with tenderness, curiosity and
Self compassion and stopping to reflect can be empowering.
Celebrate each accomplishment to help you move forward
Pause and be fully present and enjoy the small successes
Saying yes to opportunities.
Maybe learning a new skill, hobby or pivot to a different career path.
It could be as simple as enrolling in a course to speak Spanish.
Planning an adventure to wander a different part of your city.
Go for Growth! Saying Yes to experiences opening your mind and enabling you to realize your full potential and purpose. Making room to play or creating time for self care as simple as listening to a podcast or reading a book.
Give yourself permission to dream!
Dream Big!
It is your choice, it is your “Dream board”
Remember to pause see where you are at. Ensure you check your goals and intentions each month that will definitely help to bring a greater sense of happiness and contentment.
Living your best life whatever it looks like.
With love and light!!