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The Science of Habits


Hey there!

A subject that keeps surfacing when I speak to clients. I am always asked "what habits can I adopt to create the life I want to live". The science of habits can be overwhelming with so many studies and life coaches to follow.

Joris Beerda mentions in an article that " research has shown that the 21-day rule is a myth. In a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, researchers found that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit. However, the time it takes to form a new habit can vary widely depending on the behavior and the individual."




 What about the opportunity to pare down to the basic essentials drawing from the elements in nature to re-balance the body, mind, spirit and senses.

Becoming present with YOU!

As Dr. Joe Dispenza say's "you have to think about what you have been thinking about".

What about the opportunity to live each day the way you want to be.


Clear, Awake, Nourished and Energized


Taking small steps in your day and giving your self permission.

Dr. Joe states you can create new possibilities by starting to rehearse it in your mind and emotionally embrace your future and not waiting for that moment to show up but to feel the magic of abundance. You begin to experience your own worthiness and abundance to feel safe and allowing the shift to happen.

Sometimes you do need support to make that shift to that mindset.

Maybe changing the experiences with small new patterns or creating a new vision, learning new thoughts and attitude.

Have a visit to this fabulous YouTube video


A few habits to create a shift:

  • Affirmation " I AM WORTHY" "I Matter"

  • Go out to dinner on a Wed

  • Wake up early watch the sunrise

  • Make your bed

  • Take a walk "OUTSIDE" (no matter the weather)

  • Hydrate with lemon water

  • Create a new practice adding mindfulness


 Breathe and be present "YOU CAN DO THIS" taking back your power and be in that frequency of LOVE for your soul self.


 Take care my lovelies!


Carla XO

PS. The clinic is open for appointments love to see you!!


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