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Winter Quarterly Newsletter


Hey There!

I am Carla from Pure Life Healing.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Sending out a brief note to reach out and say hello to such an amazing community. Welcome to my new subscribers. I would like to thank all those for following me and supporting my work in wellness. My goal for this newsletter is to share insights and inspirations to help guide and support your wellness journey.


Reflect, Balance and Stillness


Shorter and colder days lead us to naturally hibernate, and our body's natural inclination is to slow our metabolism in order to conserve energy.

Also a time to experience cozy nights bundling up, drinking hot coco, watch a favourite movie, have a nap, read a novel, or baking a batch of cookies. That said too much hibernation however can lead to stagnation, so it's important to find new ways to cultivate and maintain our energy and find balance.

Along the way over the years I adopted being mindful to take the time to

plan, reflect, and breathe!


The new year brings opportunities for new beginnings. Do you have a strategy for the new year? Maybe there is no real plan and you are allowing the universe to unfold for you? There is no right or wrong, following what your inner self needs is the most important! Winter reminds us of the 'grace of rest'. This gift of time for quiet contemplation and to explore our inner world.



"Even the strongest blizzard starts with a single snowflake."

   Sarah Raasch



No matter how much we romanticize winter, the lower exposure to natural sunlight can lower the production of serotonin, which is what supports the regulation of our mood and feelings of well-being and happiness. So, it is vital that we get sufficient morning light on the face as winter can drag on. Many people may experience a subdued mood. This general melancholia is known informally as the "winter blues", creating bouts of depression, stagnation and sadness influencing our mental and physical health in many ways. Canadian Mental Health Association reports 60% of Canadians are affected by the winter blues. Indoor living can make us more susceptible to mood funks and everyday infections. Our modern lives don’t always slow down for winters with the demands of work, school and family obligations.


This winter, commit to your self-care by adopting life enriching, self-empowering habits and mindfulness practices to develop your conscious awareness and tap into the sacred.


Here are a few suggested "Winter mindfulness" practices as we embrace the season creating positive vibes:


Practice three wins daily to create a positive mindset

  1. Physical Win - Any kind of movement - Walking, running, lifting

  2. Mental Win- Reading, listening to a podcast, writing, learning, creating

  3. Spiritual Win- Praying, mediating, mindfulness, studying


Additional  "winter mindfulness" practices to lift mood include:

Try Gazing Meditation: Each night before bed light a candle to symbolize the return of the light. Rest your gaze on the flickering candlelight until the eyes tire, then close your eyes while holding the flames image in your ‘mind’s eye'. Share your wishes and prayers with the light


Walk slowly and look up: On a sunny day take a picture of the blue sky and set it as your screen saver on your mobile and laptop as a visual reminder.


Review your day backwards every night before going to sleep. "The Ruchschau ritual", by Rudolph Steiner.  Picture inwardly who, what, where for breakfast. Avoid judging content. Just try to form clear memory images and continue through the day.


Forest Bathing: Feel the connection to the land, feel your place belonging to the world of Spirit and belonging in this dense 3-dimensional world. Invite others to hike as a group.


Create an indoor herb garden with the Basil, Parsley and Rosemary you can pick up at a grocery store. Re-plant with a beautiful new flower pot, fresh earth and get your hands dirty and find a sunny spot on your window sill.


Different forms of therapy can shift and increase mood such as Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Sound Healing, Chanting, paint by numbers, colouring, sauna, water flotation, even group meditations. The list is endless.


 "What I seek will always find me" and sometimes that is all you need to shift your mindset.




Winter Journal Prompts

Apply these in your journaling 

  • My biggest most audacious dream for the year ahead .. (what are your dreams for the future) 

  • The most nourish thing I could do for myself this Winter? (what are your self care practices)

  • What emotions does the winter season evoke in you, and how do you cope with them?



Essential Oil Corner


Here is an idea for a fresh essential oil diffuser blend with a forest scent that creates an uplifting space that can shift anyone's mood.

💦💦💦 Orange

💦💦💦 Cypress

💦💦💦 Wintergreen

💦💦💦 Peppermint


Reading Corner


What books do I have on my reading list this winter?


 I am an Island by Tamsin Calidas

Reawakening The Human Spirit by Lance Secretan

You Are Cosmic Code by Kaitlyn Kaerhart


What We’re Up To 


The new year energy of course changes each year, as we have begun 2025 it is soft and gentle but the energy will start shifting and building when we arrive at the Spring Equinox. In the meantime during these winter months we have an opportunity to create new daily rituals and be open to learning new ways of being.


"Genuine empowerment comes from understanding the creative authority of your own inner nature and soul."

Caroline Myss



The winter season reminds us on the impermanence of life, emphasizing how vital it is to embrace the present.

Be open to learn and enjoy that piece of music, great read or podcast. As always I really wanted to connect with all of you and how I can assist you on your spiritual journey.

I have been contemplating and working on many initiatives but your feedback is so important. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

I am open to suggestions.


Here are few Calendar events you are personally invited to join:


Vision Board Workshop: (BOOK NOW)

What is your strategy this year? A vision board brings clarity to manifest your dreams. Keeping you always motivated and focused. This year we are adding a mystical twist including 13 Holy Night Oracle Card Deck where we will learn how to co-create a magical road map for the upcoming year.

It's going to be magical!

Let's get crafty and have lots of fun as we work together

Details: Divided in 2 sessions

Date: Tuesday Jan 7th 2025 and Wednesday Jan 15th 2025

Time: 7:00 pm

Location : Teams (or in person optional in North York)

Investment $22.22

Save your spot via email


Angelic Reiki Workshops: Level 1 and 2 

Have you wanted to become a Reiki Practitioner? Discover how to connect with angelic energies and be guided to self-healing and others. Whether you’re new to Reiki or looking to deepen your practice, this workshop is perfect for all levels. Experiencing the Metatronic attunements. It is uniquely based on ancient wisdom and modern therapeutic principles.

Special pricing for students and masters to revisit the workshop. Please ask.


Date: Mar 1st and 2nd

Full 2 days

Location: 638 Sheppard Ave west

Investment: $444.00

Including delicious lunch and snacks


Raindrop Bodywork Workshop: New!

For the love of Essential oils! Learning two bodywork applications through Vita Flex Technique and Feathering Stroking with 7 essentials oils We will be focusing on the feet and spine. An opportunity to have a better understanding of essential oils for the health of your family and friends. Hands on session with a partner

Including exclusive essential oil collection includes a mix of seven single oils and 2 massage oils. ( not a certification workshop)


Date: Tuesday Feb 18th

Time: 7pm

Location: North York

Investment: $55.00 plus $187.75 (+ HST)(cost of the oils)

*note everyone will be provided with a set of oils to take home


Guided Meditation

A 3 week series, providing breath work and a gently guided visualization filled with lovely imagery as you will be taken on a journey to your sacred space. Beginners are welcome.


January - Theme "The journey of your inner being". Awakening of the senses

Date: Monday Jan 13th, 20th, and 27th

Time: 8pm

Location: Teams - Online only

Investment : $33.00

Recordings included


February - Theme" Embracing Stillness"

Date: Thursday Feb 13th, 20th and 27th

Time: 8pm

Location: Teams - Online only

Investment: $33.00

Recordings included


 " I don't believe in coincidences only synchronicities"


March - Theme - The Compassion of the Heart" ( 4 week series)

Date: Thursday March 6th, Wed March 12th, Wed March 19th, Thursday March 27th

Location: Teams (Online Only)

Investment: $44.00

Recordings Included

Please email at carla@purelifehealing to save your spot for either program.


Spring Equinox Celebration - Save the date!

Welcoming the transition to spring

It's a celebration of the new Zodiac Year!

An opportunity to set new intentions.

Join our Fire Circle! (Weather permitting) As we participate in a group guided meditation. Reiki healing, creating and sharing in a gratitude circle.


Date: Tues Mar 20th

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: in person - North York


Snacks and beverages

Save your spot send an email



Please note that the event dates might shift and more workshops might be added.


The clinic is open! Self-care is ultimately important for your wellbeing.  

The clinic offers:

Angelic Reiki ( distant too)

Usui Holy Fire Reiki III ( distant too)

Reflexology of the feet and hands

Indian Head Massage

Raindrop Technique Bodywork

Vita Flex Technique- includes 5 essential oils on your feet, working on head and ears.

Essential oils 101 care

One on One - Meditation and coaching



BOOK NOW the calendar is open.

Also please visit the resource page and check out the awesome wellness tools I work with in my practice; such as Young Living Essential Oils, Healy, ASEA, and Voxx socks.



Take good care my lovelies!

Sending you all Angel blessings!


 Carla xo



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